Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Quotes of The Day

"The secret of being free isn't a revenge, but letting things unfold in their own way and own time."


a month ago, pas banget bulan puasa, biasanya sekolah-sekolah ngadain pesantren kilat. Same with mine. Biasanya kan pesantren kilat cuma duduk ngemper di aula sekolah ngedengerin guru agama/ustadz ceramah.  But, there's something different dengan pesantren kilat SMAN 8 Tangerang ini. Hari kedua pesantren kilat,  setiap kelas had to participate dalam lomba-lomba yang diadain OSIS. Banyak sih, tapi salah satunya lomba hias hijab. Jadi, setiap kelas wajib nyumbang 1 cewek muslim buat bersedia jadi model hijab modern dan 3 cewek buat penata rias dan penata hijabnya.Interesting, rite? That was the long-awaited contest. 

Yap! Yulita from 11 science 2!!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012


hi guys, i just got a job from Mrs. Dina ( my ict teacher) to make 20 blog posts with keyword "SMAN 8 Tangerang". Yea, my lovely school:") i was glad to know that if one generation of my school make blog posts with that keyword, there'll be thousands of results on google if u search for it. And i'm one of that generation definitely. i'll use this blog for the posts. so, just enjoy!